5 days to World Mental Health Day

5 steps to a better Mental Health

Physical Activity

Everybody knows that physical activity is good for your body. What most people don’t know is that it can also help boost your mood, improve the quality of your sleep and also help deal with mental health problems. Studies have shown that physical exercise is a very powerful depression fighter since it helps make changes in the brain, like neural growth and new activity patterns that bring feelings of calm. It can also help with anxiety by relieving tension and releasing endorphins which make you feel good and enhance your well-being. The good thing about being physically active is that it doesn’t only help people that are suffering from a mental health problem, but it can also help others boost their mood and outlook. It can help with:

  • Sharpening your memory, since the endorphins released don’t only make you feel better but they also help with concentration.
  • Boosting the levels of your self-esteem. If being regularly active and investing in your mind and body becomes a habit, it can strengthen your sense of self-worth.
  • Having better sleep, since even a little bit of exercising can help with regulating your sleep patterns.
  • Having more energy. If you increase your heart rate for even just a few minutes per day, it can help you feel more energized.
  • Having stronger resilience. Being physically active can help you cope with mental and emotional challenges in a healthy way, rather than turning to unhealthy substances or behaviors.