Learn, Listen & Say No to Bullying


We may all have heard, seen, experienced some kind of bullying, and we may have found ourselves in the position of being bully, victim or even observer.

National Bullying Prevention Center (PACER), founded in 2006, October as a month dedicated to the prevention of bullying.

Bullying is a continuous and deliberate abuse of power in relationships through repetitive verbal, physical and / or social behavior that is intended to cause physical, social and / or psychological harm. It may involve an individual or a group abusing its power or perceived power in one or more individuals who feel unable to prevent it from happening.

These are the types:

  • Verbal bullying
  • Physical bullying
  • Social bullying: with lies, defamation, pressure from others for social exclusion of the victim
  • Cyberbullying: abusive messages, photos, cyber defamation, emotional deception or even pressure


Which are those signs a parent should notice?


  • Emotional & behavioral: such as changes in sleep, eating, outbursts of anger or crying, low mood & sadness
  • Physical: unexplained bruises, scratches or loss of objects
  • School: he/she avoids going to school, low school performance
  • Social: he/she avoids being with people, he/she is locked in his/her room etc.


How can we stop bullying?

  • Teach the child what bullying is (perpetrator, victim, observer)
  • Listen to his/her needs & keep open communication with him/her
  • Give him/her the freedom to do what she/he loves
  • Show him/her how to treat others
  • Show him/her the importance of communication, where and how can speak (teachers, professors, parents)
  • Show him/her how to protect him/herself (saying NO, or avoiding such situations)

Meanwhile, in addition to the school environment and children, it is important the prevention and treatment of bullying to occur among adults as well. That is why it is necessary to break the silence and talk openly about these issues. Informing and raising public awareness on these issues, the existence of a legal framework could make a significant contribution to the elimination of bullying.