Stavros Michailidis MA MSc

Stavros Michailidis is a Psychologist – Psychotherapist, with an insatiable passion for mental health and
well-being, and with a master’s degree in psychology as also in Counseling and Psychotherapy from the
University of UeL. In his younger years he participated in the establishment of a philosophical, yoga and
meditation center of which he was an active member and attended healing sessions which he continues
to this day.

Initially obtained his training as a Mental Health and Wellness Counselor by participating in educational
programs and seminars and further deepened his experience in the field of the phenomenological
method of Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations. For several years now he has been supervising
therapeutic groups, as well as individual therapies.

He is also an accomplished Management professional specializing in Marketing & Communications,
celebrity and CEO image management, with over 15 years of experience, and an academic background
with an MBA from the University of Strathclyde and an MA Human Resource Management from
Middlesex University in London, which held senior management positions in national and multinational

A¢er obtaining his master’s degree, through his personal journey and in combination with his
therapeutic experience, he became a Synthetic Psychotherapist. However, he does not adhere to any
particular approach. Instead, he combines elements from different approaches and adapts his treatment
according to the needs of the patients.

His motivation lies in helping people restore their wholeness, find more freedom and more meaning
within themselves, alongside his own journey. He continues to be passionate about creative expression
and loves working with those who are too

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